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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
    év 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
  szerző a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z  
  keresés á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű ă î â ţ ş szűkítés -  
    1990: 49 tétel lapozás: 1-30 | 31-49

| észrevételeim

| kinyomtatom

| könyvjelzőzöm


Krulic, Joseph: La crise du Kosovo et l’identité serbe. - L’autre Europe, 23 (1990) 63-72.

Sofias Kurskorrektur in der Türken-Politik. Dokumentation von Wolfgang Höpken. - Südosteuropa, 39 (1990) 76-79.

Tuncoku, A. Mete: The rights of minorities in international law. The case of the Turkish minority in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. In: The Turks of Bulgaria. The history, culture and political fate of a minority. Ed. by K. H. Karpat. Istanbul 1990. 241-257.

Corley, Felix; Eibner, John: In the eye of the Romanian storm. The heroic story of pastor Laszlo Tokes. Old Tappan N.J.: Fleming H. Revell Co. 1990. 272 p.

Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Report on the situation in Romania. Rapporteur: Mr Noerens, Belgium, Liberal). 21 September 1990. Doc. 6292

Kincses, Előd: Marosvásárhely fekete márciusa. Black March in Trgu Mure Budapest: Püski 1990. 104 p.

News from Romania: Ethnic conflict in Tirgu Mures. News from Helsinki Watch, (1990) May, 9 p.

Rosičre, Stéphane: Tensions ethniques en Roumanie. In: La Transylvanie á la croisée des chemins. Hérodote 1990. 286-310.

Tőkés, László: Temesvár ostroma 1989. Storm of Timioara 1989 Budapest: Hungamer 1990. 288 p.

Marne, Philippe de: Un project et une mémoire. Roumanie, avril 1990. Etudes. Tsiganes, 2 (1990) 3-27.

Reemtsma, Karin: Roma in Jugoslawien. Minderheiten-Report. Bonn: Zentrale Dokumentationsstelle d. Freien Wohlfahrtspflege für Flüchtlinge 1990. 61 p. (ZDWF-Schriftenreihe. 37) (Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker e.V.)

Révész, László: Zigeunerprobleme in Ostmitteleuropa. Ders.: Minderheitenschicksal in den Nachfolgestaaten der Donaumonarchie. Wien 1990. 429-453.

Turgeon, Lynn: Discrimination against and affirmative action for gypsies in Eastern Europe. In: The political economy of ethnic discrimination and affirmative action. A comparative perspective. Ed. by Michael L. Wyzan. New York 1990. 155-165.

Das, Veena: Introduction. Communities, riots, survivors The South Asian experience. In: Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi 1990. 1-36.

Das, Veena: Our work to cry: your work to listen. In: Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi 1990. 345-398.

Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi: Oxford University Press 1990.

Nag, Sajal: Roots of ethnic conflict. Nationality question in North-East India. New Delhi : Manohar Publications, 1990. XVII, 193 p.

Sri Lanka. History and the roots of conflict. Ed. by Jonathan Spencer. London: Routledge, 1990. XII, 253 p.

Tambiah, Stanley J.: Reflections on communal violence in South Asia. The Journal of Asian Studies, 49 (1990) 4, 741-761.

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