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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
    év 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
  szerző a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z  
  keresés á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű ă î â ţ ş szűkítés -  
    1991: 74 tétel lapozás: 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-74

| észrevételeim

| kinyomtatom

| könyvjelzőzöm


Gheorghe, Nicolae: Roma-Gypsy ethnicity in Eastern Europe.Social Research, 58. (1991) 829-844.

The gypsies in Eastern Europe. [ed. in chief Henry R. Huttenbach]. New York: Association for the Study of the Nationalities of the USSR and Eastern Europe 1991. V, p. 251-439 tabs. (Nationalities papers. XIX, 3, 1991 : Special issue)

The Gypsies in Eastern Europe. Ed. by David Crowe and John Kolsti. With an introd. by Ian Hancock. Armonk, NY ; London: Sharpe 1991. VI, 194 p.

Hancock, Ian: The East European roots of Romani nationalism. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk; London 1991. 133-150.

Ionescu, Dan: Violence against Gypsies escalates. Rep. East. Europe, 2 (1991) 25, 23-26.

Kolsti, John: Albanian Gypsies. The silent survivors. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Ed. by David Crowe and John Kolsti. Almonk, N.Y. 1991. 51-60.

Ladanyi, Janos: Discrimination ethnique et auto-protection. Le cas des Tsiganes ŕ Miskolc. Espaces et Sociétés, 64 (1991) 113-127.

Melagg, William O.: Cigánypolitika Magyarországon és Csehszlovákiában 1945-1989. Gypsy policy in Hugary and Czechoslovakia 1945-1989. Világosság, 32 (1991) 7/8, 547-560.

Sebkova, Hana; Zlnayova, Edita; Hubschmannova, Milena: Fragments tziganes. Paris: Lierre et Coudrier 1991. 160 p. (Collection: Chemins d’ ailleurs)

Tong, Diane: Gypsies. A selected bibliography. Central and Eastern Europe. Nationalities Papers, 19 (1991) 3, 413-427.

Zang, Theodore Jr.: Destroying ethnic identity: The Gypsies of Bulgaria. New York: Helsinki Watch Committee 1991. 73 p. (Helsinki Watch Report)

Holt, John Clifford: Toward a theory of ritual and violence. The recent Sinhala experience. The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, 27-28 (1991-1992) 1-2, 65-74.

Political transition in South Asia. Regional cooperation, ethnic conflict, political participation. Ed. by Dagmar Bernstorff, Dieter Braun. Stuttgart: F. Steiner 1991. XVI, 168 p. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung. Bd. 137)

Political transition in South Asia. Regional cooperation, ethnic conflict, political participation. Ed. by Dagmar Bernstorff, Dieter Braun. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1991. XVI, 168 p. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung. 137)

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