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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
    év 1969 1970 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
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  keresés á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű ă î â ţ ş szűkítés -  
    1994: 128 tétel lapozás: 1-30 | 31-60 ... 121-128

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Coakley, John: Approaches to the resolution of ethnic conflict: the strategy of non-territorial autonomy. International Political Science Review, 15 (1994) 3, 297-314

Connor, Walker: Ethnonationalism. The quest for understanding. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1994. 234 p.

The culture of violence. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe and Marcial Rupio. Tokyo: United Nations University Press 1994.

Dissonanzen in Europa. Der Neue Nationalismus und seine Folgen. Hrsg. von Michael Geistlinger. Wien: Braumüller 1994. 194 p. (Ethnos 43.)

Ethnic and religious conflicts. Europa and Asia. Ed. by Peter Janke. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1994. 306 p.

Homer-Dixon, T. F: Environmental scarcities and violent conflict. Evidence from cases. International Security, 19 (1994) 1, 5-40.

Race and ethnic conflict. Contending views on prejudice, discrimination, and ethnoviolence. Ed. by Fred L. Pincus, Howard J. Ehrlich. Boulder: Westview Press 1994. XV, 408 p. ill.

Rubinstein, Robert A.: Collective violence and common security. In: Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed. by Tim Ingold. London; New York 1994. 983-1223.

The art of conflict prevention. Ed by. Werner Bauwens and Luc Reychler. London: Brassey’s 1994 XIV, 218 p.

Chayes, Abram; Gaer, Felice D.; Scheffer, David J.; Morris, George E.: Conflict prevention for a new century Proceedings of the Eighty-Eight Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, (1994) 88, 142-162.

Coakley, John: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. London: Frank Cass 1994. 230 p. (Regions and regionalism series 2.)

Greco, E.: The role of the conflict prevention centre in the security system of the CSCE. Helsinki Monitor 5 (1994) 1, 1-15.

Hurlburt, H.: A "Gesamtkonzept" for conflict management: bringing capabilities into line with exigencies. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 3, 55-62.

Hurlburt, H.: CSCE conflict resolution in practice. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 25-38.

Managing ethnic conflict. The Kona Statement. Princeton, NJ: Project on Ethnic Relations, 1994. 12 p.

Rabie, Mohamed: Conflict resolution and ethnicity. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994. VIII, 229 p.

Baimbridge, Mark; Burkitt, Brian; Macey, Mary: The Maastricht Treaty: exacerbating racism in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17 (1994) 3, 420-441.

Balogh, András: National minorities and international security. Review of International Affairs, 44 (1994) 1023, 24-27.

Chigas, D.: Bridging the gap between theory and practice: the CSCE high commissioner on national minorities Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 3, 27-41.

Ethnic conflict in world politics. Ed. by Ted Robert Gurr and Barbara Harff. Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1994.

Gagnon, V. P. Jr.: Ethnic nationalism and international conflict. The case of Serbia. International Security, 19 (1994/95) 3, 130-166.

Gottlieb, Gidon: Nations without states. Foreign Affairs, 73 (1994) 3, 100-112.

Mrázek, J.: European security and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Coexistence, 31 (1994) 3, 221-240.

Nowak, Jürgen: Europas Krisenherde. Nationalitätenkonflikte vom Atlantik bis zum Ural. Ein Handbuch. Originalausgabe. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch 1994. 311 p. maps. (Rororo aktuell)

Ramet, S. P .: The Yugoslav crisis and the West. Avoiding "Vietnam" and blundering into "Abyssinia". East European Politics and Societies 8 (1994) 1, 189-219.

Searching for moorings. East Central Europe in the international system. Ed. Jeffrey Laurenti. (New York): (UNA-USA) 1994. X, 133 p.

Stofft, William A; Guertner, Gary L.: Ethnic conflict. Implications for the Army of the future. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College 1994. V, 19 p.

Trifunovska, S.: Multilateral response to ethnicity, nationalism and racism in contemporary Europe. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 4, 79-95

Wille, P. F.: Minority questions in the Council of Europe. Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 1, 26-31.

Alfredsson, Gudmundur: Minority rights as a tool to prevent ethnic conflicts. In: Europäische Integration und nationale Rechtskulturen. Hrsg. von Christian Tomuschat, Hein Kötz und Bernd von Maydell. Köln; Berlin; Bonn; München 1994. 219-225.

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