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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


       bibliográfiák   » Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
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    1995: 97 tétel lapozás: 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-97

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Kosovo and Metohija - an integral part of the Republic of Serbia and FR Yugoslavia. - Review of International Affairs, 46 (1995) 1037, 11-19.

Louw, L.: Grčce. Gardiens du berceau. - Europ, (1995) 13. 14.

Lutovac, Zoran: National minorities and elections in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Dušan Janjić, Dragomir Pantić. Belgrade 1995 105-111.

Lutovac, Zoran: Serbisch-albanische Beziehungen in Kosovo-Metohija. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 140-153.

Maliqi, Shkelzen: Demand for a new status the Albanian movement in Kosovo. In: Serbia between the past and the future. Ed. by Dusan Janjić. Belgrade 1995. 122-128.

Maspero, F.: Frontičres balkaniques. - Le Monde Diplomatique, 42 (1995) 497, 14-15.

Mehrotra, O.N.: Bosnian imbroglio: perception, problem and prospects. - Strategic Analysis, 18 (1995) 2, 163-178.

Meier, V.: Von der mazedonischen zur griechischen Frage. - Europäische Rundschau, 23 (1995) 1, 17-24.

Mestrović, Stjepan G.: After emotion. Ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia and beyond. In: The future of anthropology. Its relevance to the contemporary world. Ed. by Akbar Ahmed and Cris Sore. London; Atlantic Highlands NJ. 1995. 251-271.

Milo, Paskal: Albanian national question within the context of the current Balkan crisis. In: Comparative Balkan parliamentarism. Ed. by Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva. Sofia 1995. 23-32.

Ozdogan, Gunay Goksu: Historical foundations and present problems of Turkish nationalism. In: Comparative Balkan parliamentarism. Ed. by Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva. Sofia 1995.1-12. p.

Paul, Diane: A cry for human rights in a ’cleansed’ Banja Luka. - Christian Century, 112 (1995) 27, 898-900. 1 map.

Pettifer, J.: Macedonia: still the apple of discord. - The World Today, 51 (1995) 3, 55-58.

Poulton, Hugh: Who are the Macedonians? London: Hurst 1995. XVII, 218 p., 2 maps.

Relations of compatibility and incompatibility between christians and muslims in Bulgaria. Sofia: International Centre for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations’ Foundation 1995. XIX, 395 p.

Schmidt, Fabian; Moore, Patrick: Die Albaner im ehemaligen Jugoslawien als Sicherheitsproblem. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 70-139.

Sremac, Danielle: Proposal for settlement of ethnic conflicts in former Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. - Review of International Affairs, 46 (1995) 1034, 12-14, 19-21.

Varvaroussis, Paris: Mazedonien als Brennpunkt der griechischen Balkan-Politik. - Aussenpolitik, 46 (1995) 4, 358-364.

Zakhariev, Z.: The Balkans on the threshold of 21 century. - Review of International Affairs, 46 (1995) 1028-1031, 26-28.

Languages in contact and conflict. Contrasting experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium Ed. by Sue Wright with Helen Kelly. Clevedon [England]: Multilingual Matters, 1995. 92 p.

Thompson, Dale: Language, identity, and the nationalist impulse: Quebec Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science, 538 (1995) 69-82.

Horváth, István: Ethnic tensions and conflicts in Romania. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 231-242.

Vogel, Sándor: Ethnische Konflikte aus ungarischer Sicht. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 212-230.

Cowell, Alan: Attack on Austrian gypsies deepens fear of neo-Nazis. New York Times, 144 (1995) 49979, A1 1 map, 1bw.

Fonseca, Isabel: Among the Gypsies. New Yorker, 71 (1995) 29, 84-95

Helleiner, Jane: Gypsies, Celts and tinkers. Colonial antecedents of anti-traveller racism in Ireland. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18 (1995) 3, 532-554.

Liégeois, Jean-Pierre; Gheorghe, Nicolae: Roma/Gypsies. A European minority. London: Minority Rights Group 1995. 38 p. Ill.

Neier, Aryen: Watching rights. Nation, 260 (1995) 17, 587. (Comments on the rising tide of violence against the Roma (Gypsies) in Central and Eastern Europe. )

Reemtsma, Katrin: Zur Lage der Roma in Südosteuropa nach der "großen Wende". In: Nationalismen im Umbruch. Hrsg. von Magarditsch A. Hatschikjan, Peter R. Weilemann. Köln 1995. 153-169.

Szuhay, Péter: Who is a man? The 1992 "ethnic war" at Kétegyháza. - Regio, (1995) 127-153. (Special English language issue)

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