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Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management
East-Central Europe and South Asia


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Theory of ethnic conflict

Allen, Irving: The language of ethnic conflict. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr. 1983

Banton, Michael: Racial consciousness. New York: Longman 1988.

Breton, Roland J.: Lob der Verschiedenheit. Die Ethnie. (Les ethnies, dt.). Wien: Braumüller 1983. 100 p. (Ethnos. 25)

Centre-periphery structures in Europe. An ISSC workbook in comparative analyses. Ed. by Stein Rokkan. Frankfurt; New York: Campus Verl. 1987. 483 p. (Beiträge zur empirischen Sozialforschung)

Coakley, John: Approaches to the resolution of ethnic conflict: the strategy of non-territorial autonomy. International Political Science Review, 15 (1994) 3, 297-314

Coakley, John: Introduction. The territorial management of ethnic conflict. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 1-22.

Coakley, John: The resolution of ethnic conflict. Towards a typology. International Political Science Review, 13 (1992) 4, 343-358.

Connor, Walker: Ethnonationalism. The quest for understanding. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1994. 234 p.

Deschenes, Jules: Proposal concerning a definition of the term "minority". United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights 1985. 33 p.

Dimitrijević, Vojin: The post-communist apotheois of the nation-state and the old and new minorities. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Dušan Janjić, Dragomir Pantić. Belgrade 1995. 37-44.

Ermacora, Felix: Nationale Minderheiten das Definitions-problem. In: Minderheiten im Konflikt. Fakten, Erfahrungen, Lösungskonzepte. Hrsg. von Kurt Müller. Zürich 1993. 34-48.

Ethnic groups and state. Ed. by Paul Brass. London: Croom Helm 1985.

Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation of identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Goteberg: Nordnes 1993. 370 p.

Girasoli, Nicola: National minorities. Who are they? Budapest: Akadémiai 1995. XI, 111 p.

Gosztonyi, Kristóf: Nationalitätenkonflikte in ehemals sozialistischen Ländern. Ein spieltheoretisches Modell. Osteuropa, 43. (1993) 7, 630-640.

Gurr, Ted Robert: Why minorities rebel: A global analysis of communal mobilization and conflict since 1945. International Political Science Review, 14 (1993) 2, 161-201.

Hechter, Michael; Friedman, Debra; Appelbaum, Malka: A theory of ethnic collective action. International Migration Review, 16 (1982) 2, 412-434.

Hettne, Björn: Dynamics of ethnic conflict. In: Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Göteborg 1993. 68-89.

Hobsbawm, Eric: Qu’est-ce qu’un conflit ethnique? Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 100 (1993) 51-57.

Kleg, M.: Hate, prejudice and racism. New York: State Univ. of New York Press 1993. 317 p.

LeVine, Robert; Campbell T., Donald: Ethnocentrism. Theories of conflict, ethnic attitudes, and group behaviour. New York: Wiley 1972. IX, 310 p.

Lijphardt, Arend: The power-sharing approach. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 490-509.

McRae, Kenneth D.: Theories of power-sharing and conflict management. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 93-106.

Miles, Robert: Racism. London: Routledge 1989. 158 p.

Nationalismus-Nationalitäten-Supranationalität. Hrsg. von H. A. Winkler und H. Kaelble. Stuttgart: Clett-Cotta 1993.

Pierre-Caps, S.: La Multination. L’avenir des minorités en Europe centrale et orientale. Paris: Odile Jacob 1995.

Rothschild, Joseph: Ethnopolitics. A conceptual framework. New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1981. 290 p.

Rupesinghe, Kumar: Conflict transformation. New York: St. Martin’s 1995. 270 p.

Schechla, J.: Ideological roots of population transfer.- Third World Quarterly, 14 (1993) 2, 239-275.

Stark, Joachim: Völker, Ethnien, Minderheiten. Bemerkungen zu etnischen und terminologischen Problemen der Minderheitenforschung Jahrbuch für Ostdt. Volkskunde, 31 (1989) 1-53.

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