Walzer, Michael: Politik der Differenz. Transit, 8. (1994) 5-20. (Das Europa der Religionen) Yamauchi, Masayuki: Lessons in conflict. Look Japan, 40 (1994) 463, 3-4. Axt, Heinz-Jürgen: Kampf der Kulturen? Europäische Rundschau, (1994) 1, 95-108. Ethnic mobilisation in a multi-cultural Europe. Ed. John Rex and Beatrice Drury. Avebury : Aldershot 1994. 178 p. Levinson, David: Aggression and conflict. A cross-cultural encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1994. VIII, 234 p. ill. (Encyclopedias of the human experience) Weinerman, Eli: Racism, racial prejudice and Jews in lata Imperial Russia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17 (1994) 3, 442-495. Bren, Paulina: Czech restitution laws rekindle Sudeten Germans grievances. RFE/RL Reserch Report, 3. (1994) 2, 17-22. McGarry, Richard: The subtle slant. A cross-linguistic discourse analysis model for evaluating interethnic conflicts in the press. Boone: Parkway Publishers 1994. 195 p. The Anthropology of Europe. Identity and boundaries in conflict. Ed. by Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, and Cris Shore. Oxford: Berg, 1994. X, 310 p. (Explorations in anthropology) Yinger, J. Milton: Ethnicity: source of strengh? Source of conflict? Albany, NY.: State University of New York Pr. 1994. 494 p. Azerbaijan. Seven years of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Human Rights Watch/Helsinki. -- New York : Human Rights Watch, 1994. XIV, 118 p. map Baranovsky, Vladimir: Conflict developments on the territory of the former Soviet Union. - SIPRI yearbook, (1994) 169-204. Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Ethnicity and conflict. Ed. by Vitaly V. Naumkin. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press 1994. XIII, 242 p. (Contributions in political science. 339) Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict. The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Ed. by W. Raymond Duncan and Paul G. Holman Jr. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press 1994. IX, 218 p. maps. Frelick, Bill.: Faultlines of nationality conflict. Refugees and displaced persons from Armenia and Azerbaijan. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Committee for Refugees 1994. 44 p. ill., map. (Issue paper) Klatt, Martin: Russians in the "Near Abroad". - RFE/RL Reserch Report, 3 (1994) 32, 33-44. Kusin, Vladimir V.: Wie lassen sich die neuen Kriege verhüten? - Europa Archiv, 49 (1994) 16, 470-478. Socor, Vladimir: Five countries look at ethnic problems in southern Moldova. - RFE/RL Research Report, 3 (1994) 32, 19-23. Les Albanais. Un peuple des Balkans explosifs. - La Nouvelle Alternative, (1994) 3-30. Bobeva, Daniela: Emigration from and immigration to Bulgaria. In: European migration in the late twentieth century. Historical patterns, actual trends, and social implication. Ed. Heinz Fassmann, Rainer Münz. Aldershot, Laxenburg 1994. 221-237. Brown, Janice A.: Losing tolerance. - Christian Century, 111 (1994) 30 972-974. (Focuses on the religious tensions in Bulgaria.) Chiclet, C.: Athčnes et Skopje dans limpasse macedonienne.- Le Monde Diplomatique, 41 (1994) 482, 8. Desolre, G.: La question macedonienne et la poudričre balkanique. - Transitions, 35 (1994) 2, 45-77. Dizdarevic, Faik: La Bosnie-Herzégovine: situation et perspectives. - Politique Étrangčre, 59 (1994) 1, 171-177. Hibbert, R.: War among the South Slavs in the wider Balkan context. - International Relations, 12 (1994) 3, 1-8. Höpken, Wolfgang: Türken und Pomaken in Bulgarien. In: Volksgruppen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Georg Brunner und Hans Lemberg. München 1994. 223-234. Höpken, Wolfgang: Zwischen Kulturkonflikt und Repression. Die türkische Minderheit in Bulgarien 1944-1991. In: Nationen, Nationalitäten, Minderheiten. Probleme des Nationalismus in Jugoslawien, Ungarn, Rumänien, der Tschechoslowakei, Bulgarien, Polen, der Ukraine, Italien und Österreich 1945-1990. Hrsg. von Valeria Heuberger. Wien 1994. 179-202. Jones, Adam: Gender and ethnic conflict in ex-Yugoslavia. - Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17 (1994) 1, 115-134. Perry, D. M.: Crisis in the making? Macedonia and its neighbors. - Südosteuropa, 43 (1994) 1-2, 31-58. Perry, D. M.: Une crise en gestation? La Macedoine et ses voisins. - Politique Étrangčre, 59 (1994) 1, 179-207. |